St Bees School Limited (“SBSL”) – New Governors

The St Beghian Society has for many years made a considerable contribution to the management of the school by nominating five Society members to act as governors of the school.

The incorporation of the school (reported in the July 2009 Bulletin) necessitated the replacement of the unincorporated Governing Body with a limited company, St Bees School Limited (“SBSL”).  The new board comprises sixteen governors, of whom the following five are Society nominees: -

A P Fox (Anthony) - G 62-67 

M G Rigby (Matthew) - FS 73-78

M P T Hart (Martyn) - SH 63-68

A J Wills (Anthony) - FN 60-64

E S Holmes (Stan) - SH 45-50


In September 2010 three of the five governors mentioned above are due to retire or seek re-election, and the Society would therefore welcome applications from members, young or old, to serve as governors on the board of the recently formed company.

At St Bees a newly appointed governor, in order to make a meaningful contribution, would need to be willing to commit as many as twelve days a year, as there are a minimum of three board meetings annually, and, in addition, participation on a committee (e.g. Education, Marketing or Finance) is encouraged.

Obviously business or professional experience is of benefit, as is common sense, enthusiasm and commitment, but most importantly for a governor is a love of the school and identification with its aims and ethos.

It would be pleasing, and certainly healthy from the school’s point of view, if a suitable number of applications were to be received for consideration.  At this stage anybody interested should contact David Lord, the Secretary/Treasurer of the Society, by the 28th February 2010 on telephone number 01946 828093 or 01946 841518 (evenings). Alternatively, please write/email to David at the following address: -

The St Beghian Society, St Bees School, St. Bees, Cumbria. CA27 0SD.              Email:

The St. Beghian Society, St. Bees School, St. Bees, Cumbria, CA27 0DS

tel: 01946 828093         