St Beghians' Day 2024

Saturday, 15th June, 2024.

For the latest Programme for the day, please click here - Word or PDF.

Please complete and return the Booking Form below for OSB Day and Founders' Day

by 31st May at the latest - Word or PDF.

Contact osb@stbeesschool.co.uk for further information.



St Beghians' Day 2023

Saturday, 17th June, 2023.

St Beghians’ Weekend - 16th/17th/18th June 2023

For Report on:
OSB Day & Founders' Day, click here.
Priory Walk and Talk, click here.
Eton Fives, click here.

To See:
Attendees, click here.
Apologies, click here.

To View Photos of:
OSB Day General, click here.
OSB Day Priory Walk, click here.
OSB Day Eton Fives, clcik here.

Note on Attendance at OSB Day, click here.

For General Information and Booking Forms for Founders' Day and OSB Day - click here

Contact osb@stbeesschool.co.uk for further information.




St Beghians' Day 2022

Saturday, 18th June, 2022.

For Photos of OSB Day, click here.
For Photos of the Black Tie Dinner, click here.
To view a Report of the day, click here.
To see Attendees, click here.
To see Apologies, please click here.




St Beghians' Day 2021

Saturday, 25th September, 2021.

Unfortunately, postponed due to Covid.



St Beghians' Day 2020

Saturday, 19th September, 2020.

Unfortunately, cancelled due to Covid.


St Beghians' Day 2019

Took place on Saturday, 28th September, 2019.

For Photos of the day, click here.
To view a Report of the day, click here.
To see Attendees, click here.
To see Apologies, please click here.

* For General Information, Booking and Lunch Form - click here for PDF or WORD version

We look forward to seeing you all on the 28th.

Contact osb@stbeesschool.co.uk for further information.



St Beghians' Day 2018

Took place on Saturday, 29th September, 2018.

For Photos of the day, click here.
To view a Report of the day, click here.
To see Attendees, click here.
To see Apologies, please click here.


St Beghians' Day 2017

Took place on Saturday, 23rd September, 2017.

For Photos of the President's Drinks Reception - Please click here.

If you haven't done so already, please let us know if you are intending on coming along on the day.

Please click here to see the TIMETABLE for the day

and here for a list of ATTENDEES that we know about so far.

We look forward to seeing you all on the 23rd.

Contact osb@stbeesschool.co.uk for further information.




St Beghians' Day 2016

Took place on Saturday 24th September, 2016

For Photos of the day, please click here.

* Timetable for Day - click here

* General Booking Form and Lunch Booking Form - click here for PDF or WORD version

* St Bees School Trustees' Presentations and Sessions - click here for flyer PDF or jpg

* Parish Council Event - Link to their Facebook Page (click here)




St Beghians' Day 2015

Took place on Saturday 27th June, 2015

PHOTOGRAPHS - Please click here to see Photos from the day.

Please click here for details and Booking Form.

Please click here for Programme for day.


St Beghians' Day 2014

Took place on Saturday 13th September, 2014.

A full report will be given in the next Bulletin in January 2015, but in the meantime photos from the day may be seen here.

Please click to view Batch 1, Batch 2 and Batch 3.

Also, Louise Ling's Dinner for 2003/2004 Leavers was held on the Saturday night and was a tremendous success.

Everyone present had an excellent evening. To see some photos from the evening, please click here.




St Beghians' Day 2013

Saturday 21st September, 2013.

The Annual General meeting of the Society, for which the minutes may be seen by clicking here,
was followed by a service in the school chapel.
Lunch was then taken in the Foundation and, during the afternoon,
matches were played at hockey (OSB 1 v School XI 0) and rugby (OSB ‘40 and over’ 12 v OSB ‘18-40’ 21).

The afternoon’s events were concluded with a reception hosted by the Headmaster.

Those who signified their attendance in advance are listed by clicking here
along with others who ‘signed-in’ or whom we know were present on the day.

Please click here to see some further photographs from the day.

Also, photos of the Stuart Lancaster Black Tie Dinner in the evening
may be seen in two parts by clicking here - Part 1 and Part2.

Stuart Lancaster




St Beghians' Day 2012

Saturday, 15th September, 2012.

The Annual General Meeting of the Society was followed by a service in the school chapel,
which commemorated the life of P.C. Bill Barker (G/SH 78-83), whose tragic death occurred in the Cumbria floods in 2009.
A plaque was unveiled and a tree planted in his memory.
The service was conducted initially by the school chaplain, Clifford Schwarz, and then by the vicar of Egremont,
the Rev Richard Lee.                      
Lunch was taken in the Foundation, and during the afternoon, matches were played
at hockey (OSB 5 v The School 3), rugby (Blues 36 v Reds 32) and golf (The School 2 ½ - OSBs ½).
Events concluded with a reception hosted by the Headmaster.

Those who signified their attendance in advance are listed in the attached document
along with others whom we know were present on the day.
Please click here to see list of attendees.

A copy of the address given by Hazel Barker at the memorial service may be read
at www.st-beghian-society.co.uk under OSB Notices (for direct link please click here)
or a copy may be obtained by contacting the St. Beghians Society office on
osb@st-bees-school.co.uk or 01946 828093.

The 19th (104th) Annual General Meeting of the St. Beghian Society was held
in the Whitelaw Building on Saturday 15th September 2012 at 10.30am.
Please click here to see the AGM Minutes.