North East Branch
The North East Branch Dinner was held on Wednesday 11th November 2009 at The Northumberland Golf Club, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
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Present: W.H. Dix (FN 55-58) - Chairman, North-East Branch
D. Evans - Deputy Headmaster
M.B. Cottam (SH 69-74) - Chairman Elect, North East Branch
D.H. Williams (FN 61-64) - President of the St. Beghian Society
W.E. Dove (FN 57-60) - Secretary, North East Branch
G.C. Robson (FN 57 – 64) - Past Chairman, North East Branch
Miss A. Bennett - Head Girl R. Watson - Head Boy |
P.D.G. Hopley (SH 47-52)
S. J. G. Hopley - Guest
W.H. Colbeck (FN 49-55)
F.O. Messenger (SH 50-55)
N.D. Clothier (FN 53 – 57)
C.R. Kennedy (FN 55-59)
J.M. Southern (FN 55-59)
A.M. Carstairs (FN 57-62)
T.G. Steven (G 59-64)
D.F.Lord (SH 60-65)
Mrs F.E. Lord – Ret. staff
J. Mosgrove (SH 60-63)
K.D. Rangecroft (FN 73-78)
D.G.W. Reed (FN 75-80) |
Mrs R.V.Lewis (L 77-79)
Miss H.A. Thompson (G 78-80)
Miss J.C. Colbeck (G 81-82)
A.D. Norris (FN 81-84/AC 85-86)
Miss C. Smith (L 89-96)
D. Bushby (SH 95-03)
D.J. Pitchford (95-02)
A.J. Booth (SH 96-03)
R. Littler (SH 98-05)
K.A.Marshall (SH 98-05)
J.R.A. Woodhouse (SH 99-02)
T. Pavey-Smith (G 01-08)
J. Carlill (SH 02-07) |
Thirty-five Old St. Beghians and guests met for the 2009 Dinner in the comfortable surroundings of the Northumberland Golf Club.
After drinks in the lounge, members and guests moved to the dining-room to be welcomed by the Chairman, Malcolm Dix, and began what proved to be a first-class meal.
Following the loyal toast and observance of Armistice Day, past-chairman, George Robson, rose to oversee the handover of the Branch Chairmanship. He said Malcolm Dix had ably held the post for sixteen years, observing that the Branch had over many decades been well served by a succession of enthusiasts prepared to serve in the post of Chairman. He presented to the out-going Chairman an inscribed tankard.
Malcolm Dix then introduced Mark Cottam (SH 1969-74) as the new Chairman, who rose to speak of his determination to see the Branch continue in its good-health.
Secretary, Bill Dove, was warmly thanked for continuing his dedicated and efficient service as Branch Secretary.
The recently appointed deputy head of St. Bees School, Dan Evans, then spoke of developments at the school and expressed his delight at being appointed and how impressed he was with what he had found to be a thriving school. He proposed a toast to the Society.
In response, The President, Don Williams, rose to outline developments within the Society. He described the successful Race Day at the Newcastle Race Course which he had organised for the Branch. He was looking to do something similar at the Falcons’ Rugby Club next year and possible another Race Day at the Wetherby course. The President proposed the toast to the school.
Bill Dove commented on the pleasing number of members making their first appearance at the North-East Dinner this year and said how delighted we all were to see present Peter Hopley, a very long and faithful member and servant of the Branch who had gone through a difficult past twelve months.
Following what has now become a tradition, the current head girl and head boy of the school made informative and amusing addresses about the school from a pupil perspective.
This part of the Branch Dinner has become very welcome to members and the Branch is grateful to the school for permitting the pupils to travel over to visit us.
The new Chairman thanked members and guests for their attendance and congratulated Dan Pitchford for again organising the attendance of a group of the younger generation. He expressed the hope that everyone would return for the 2010 dinner. More conviviality took place in the lounge before departure.